Robin was nice enough to order about 20 catalogs with invitations in them for me to look over. She told me the process would go smoother if I didn't have Ryan involved too much, but against her advice I did have Ryan look at them (sorry)! But I think he may have actually found the invitation we are going with, so it actually worked out well. We narrowed it down to 4 choices and I ordered a free sample of all of them. Here they are, let me know your opinions and don't forget to vote on your favorite one in the wedding poll!
Top 10 Reasons We're Getting Married (there are too many words here for me to write down the whole thing, but it's very funny).
When Ryan and Amanda met; They were drawn to each other.
She Loves Me. He Loves Me.

This day I will marry my friend, the one I laugh with, live for, dream with, love.
One last thing, I do have pictures from our latest trip to Brides by Sandra; but I must ask my editor to fix them before I post them, so expect those pictures real soon.
Overall, I like the last two.
Keep in mind that many photographers will take a picture of your invitation with your rings. Ours did. I'm pretty sure Mom & Dad have a picture like that.
I hope you don't hate me, but I really don't like to Top 10 Countdown. I think it sort of makes light of a serious occasion. I also can't picture Cousin John liking it. He has a good sense of humor, but not about the ceremony portion of the wedding -- trust me. (You do remember him yelling at our stupid video guy, right?)
I do agree that it is a cute card, just not appropriate. I will break with tradition a little here, as your matron of honor, and offer you this: If the two of you REALLY like this card, I'll use it as the Bridal Shower invitation. I see no reason why it wouldn't work for that. Then you could still have this invitation, but something more serious for the wedding.
I typed out the card for you, so others could see what is says when they offer their opinions.
Top 10 Reasons We’re Getting Married:
10. The Psychic Hotline said we would
9. My schedule was open and I needed a new dress
8. We want to start our own web site together
7. We need a vacation
6. There’s nothing else to do now that “Melrose Place” is canceled
5. We want “His” and “Hers” cellular phones
4. We haven’t seen our family or friends in a while
3. My toaster is broken
2. We’ve got a major craving for wedding cake
But here’s the number one reason we’re getting married: We’re in Love: of course
On the notecard it says:
1. Because we couldn’t wait to say…
2. We wanted to see our names in print
Robin, at Thu Dec 22, 05:39:00 PM 2005
Since I haven't posted anything in a while, and I will receive grief over Christmas for not doing so, I will post something now. That was it, and there it was. Merry Christmas to all who are reading and commenting on Amanda & Ryan's blog, and I am looking forward to renting a tux next year. Matt
Anonymous, at Fri Dec 23, 01:59:00 PM 2005
I think that might be the one we go with.
Ryan and Amanda, at Fri Dec 30, 10:00:00 AM 2005
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