Mountaintop Lodge and Dress Shopping Again
So, with all the talk of receptions and The Sterling Inn vs. The Water Gap Country Club, Ryan and I completely forgot about the Mountaintop Lodge. For everyone that doesn't know, The Mountaintop Lodge is owned by my ex-boss Colin McKay and his wife. It is this cute Bed and Breakfast about a mile from my house. I don't have prices or anything on this place, but I e-mailed Colin and asked him for some information, plus I think Ryan and I are going to met with him next Sunday, to see if it's even a doable thing. Even though I was swinging towards the Sterling Inn, I just want to know if there is anyway to do it at Mountaintop. Believe it or not, I had wanted to do the reception there since I left Lake Naomi 3 years ago, I don't know how we forgot about it.
Also, my mom and I tried wedding dress shopping one more time last Saturday. We went to Bridals by Sandra in Nazarth. This lady was so much nicer then the lady in Stroudsburg. I showed her the dress I was interested in and she measured me for it and ordered it for me to just try on. It will be in in January. If I try it on and I like it, it's mine, if not, it will go on a discount rack and I can try on a new dress. I hope I like the one I picked though :)
Also, my mom and I tried wedding dress shopping one more time last Saturday. We went to Bridals by Sandra in Nazarth. This lady was so much nicer then the lady in Stroudsburg. I showed her the dress I was interested in and she measured me for it and ordered it for me to just try on. It will be in in January. If I try it on and I like it, it's mine, if not, it will go on a discount rack and I can try on a new dress. I hope I like the one I picked though :)
Here is the address of Bridal's by Sandra, in case your curious.
Has it really been seven years?? It doesn't seem like anywhere NEAR that long since we invited you over for breakfast... ;)
I can't even tell you how happy it made me to see that engagement video! I was getting all teary-eyed. Had that same problem when Danielle was trying on wedding dresses. *lol* I am so very happy for you. Although I am NOT surprised at all that you're getting hitched, seeing that video was a WHOLE different thing. Diana gave me a recap of the trip to Cape May and everything. What a riot... it's really happening!!!
I'm sure you're plenty busy with work and wedding preparations, but perhaps we can find a time to hang out over Thanksgiving or Christmas breaks (really the only time I have!). I miss you both, very much. Your family, too! Being an academic isn't exactly healthy for your social life. :P
Good luck dress shopping! Also, all of the places you're looking at for receptions are beautiful... I agree with the comment about keeping pictures in mind though. At Jennis's wedding, I had trouble getting good shots indoors at the reception because of the dim light (the flash only goes so far), even though it was really nice. Definitely something to keep in mind!
Talk to you soon! ;)
Anonymous, at Tue Oct 11, 07:35:00 AM 2005
Sarah- Give me a call when ever you can get together.
Lizah- I don't really miss Misericordia, but I really miss you guys, I find myself talking about Miseri to Wendy at least once a day.
Ryan and Amanda, at Thu Oct 13, 11:33:00 PM 2005
I think you should get disposable cameras, and put them on the table. I got that idea from watching way too much People's Court. The theory is, in case something goes wrong with the photographer/ his equipment, you still get pictures, albeit not as good, but a bad picture of Ryan trying to dance is better than no pictures at all. You'll probably get some stupid pictures, but all it takes is one good one to make it worth it.
Anonymous, at Sat Oct 15, 11:06:00 PM 2005
I'd skip the disposable cameras. I've been to weddings with them. You'll get pics of people eating, pics of the floor (compliments of those who don't know how to use them), and pics that you won't be able to make out. Yes, many come with flashes now, but none are really powerful enough for what you'd want.
Besides, I'll have my digital camera, my 33mm SLR camera (with the super-zoom lens), and my video camera.
Now if you could find a few volunteers for me, I would appreciate it. Is there anyone out there I can trust with my cameras during the ceremony & cocktail hour, while I'm busy making a fuss over the bride & groom, doing my assigned duties?
I need three volunteers....
Robin, at Thu Oct 20, 05:02:00 PM 2005
I'll do it!
Oh, wait, I'm going to be busy, oh well.
Ryan and Amanda, at Thu Oct 20, 07:52:00 PM 2005
You can't volunteer to take pictures. You'll be too nervous to even drink that day. (Trust me!) But if you want to borrow anything to bring on your honeymoon, you can.
BTW, I meant 35mm. (Emmy was helping me type before.)
Did I mention I was at a wedding where the photographer didn't show? The guy didn't call or anything. He just didn't show. The bride & groom had a family member come out & ask everyone to take pictures for them. I think I sent them three rolls of film.
Point is: Everyone will have a camera that day. You don't need to spend any extra money to supply people with something they are already planning to bring.
Which brings me to my second point: Almost everyone who comes with their camera will give you the pictures they took as a gift. We rec'd pictures from almost everyone who attended our wedding. Some people put together beautiful albums & gave them to us. Some people gave us nealry 100 pictures. And some people just gave us a few pictures. But you don't have to spend any extra money to develop pictures when people will give them to you for free.
Need any more advice? I've got a bunch of them. All free. No charge to family members. ;)
Just wait until you start looking for a place to live. You thought my wedding binder was big! Wait until I show you the spreadsheet/check list I put together for house hunting. And my "Can You Afford That Mortgage?" spreadsheet. (Too bad I don't look at ours more often!)
Robin, at Thu Oct 20, 08:52:00 PM 2005
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