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Our Wedding Blog

Monday, January 30, 2006

My Dress!

Even though I was sick all week, I had an appointment to try on my wedding dress on Saturday and decide if I wanted that one or if I wanted to go with something else.

So Robin came up from Albany, with her surgery only days away; Alicia left her sick children (plus she was sick as well!); Tiffany put the brakes on house hunting with Jack; and my mom organized every thing so we could all have a girl's afternoon together and pick out my dress.

Thank you guys!

Here I am just getting there, if you look closely you can actually see my red nose and yellow phlegm!

And here is a picture of the outside of the store. Sorry no more pictures inside the store! I don't want Ryan looking at my dress and even though I tried on two other that I didn't buy, I don't think it's right to post them. Sorry, it's a really pretty dress though, trust me :)

Here we are on our way to lunch at Panara Bread. I put a down payment on my dress and my first fitting will be in August. But before that I have to find my head piece, shoes, and figure out how I want my hair.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The DJ, Pre-Cana, a House, and Center Pieces

Well, school started today, (well for Ryan it did, I get a reprieve till Thursday). On Sunday my parents and I looked at three house Ryan and I looked at previously. From those three we narrowed it down to 1. Ryan's parents are going to look at it this coming Sunday and if they like it we will then be calling Eric Price (he's a home inspector, not because we just randomly picked Eric to look at the house before we buy it!) If he thinks it's good, then we will put our bid in probably by the end of the month. If you are curious, you can go to Century 21's web site or you can go to the Mt Pocono site and type in the MLS#- 05-8363. Take the virtual tour! Here is a picture of the outside.

Also, we contacted a DJ that Jack knows. He was a lot cheaper then the Pros, so we thought we should hear what he has to say. He seemed very nice but the only thing that concerns me about him is that he has nothing coming up that we can hear him and see how he performs. I'm not comfortable with that and since I really don't want to be worry about whether or not he owns only 8 tracks from now until the day we get married, we told him no. Ryan then called the Pros and we set up an appointment with them for February and they also do expos which we are invited to for February or March.

Finally, we book the Pre-Cana class for June 4th, 11th, and 25th. We were going to do it for April, but everyone knows Pocono weather in April, one minute snow the next it's 80 degrees! May was so close to finals and giving up three Sundays would have been a lot for both of us. So, we figured by doing it in June we could give it the full attention we need to.

Now since Robin needs something to do in March while she's here I thought she might like to look for our florist and our center pieces (and maybe think of an environmental friendly think to throw outside of the church!) Here are pictures ofthe ones we're interested in for the center pieces.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Too Much to Do and No Time to Do it

Since school starts again in two weeks, we are trying to squeeze looking at house and booking the rest of of the wedding within these next two weeks. So far we are failing miserably. There are to many options, and just not enough time! I'll be happy if we could at least figure out which people we want to book and then book them during the semester.

First, as far as house go (and since I see a lot of people do not want to talk about real estate, looking at last weeks posts, I will keep it short). We have probably looked at over 10 houses since January 2. I hate realtors, is really the only conclusion I have drawn. Also, we started looking into apartments as well. Apartments are a little easier to manage then a house, and while we like the idea of owning something, we want to explore every option.

Second, those stuipd invitations keep haunting me! We finally got all four samples in the mail and we didn't like the way any of them looked close up. I really did like the "drawn to each other" one except that close up it looks like a 4 year old drew it on construction paper. So we ordered these two invitations from a more expensive company plus the "drawn to each other" one from the same company. We are hoping that with more expensive paper maybe it will look better. If we don't like any of these, we have one other option that we could go with, but I will let you know about that after I talk to the option.