After about two months of searching for a place and asking for help from anyone who would listen we finally decided on a reception hall.
Two weeks ago we checked out Mountaintop Lodge, and as much as I love the place and the owners, it would have been way to expensive to have the reception there. Not only do you pay per person, but you also have to pay for every room at the lodge. It just didn't seem feasible.
Then we checked out the Sterling Inn, I love this place too. However, they could only do an afternoon reception, and since we are getting married at 1 o'clock and we want to do the reception around 4 o'clock, this really wasn't feasible either.
Have you figured out where the reception is going to be yet?

So, last week Ryan called up the Water Gap Country Club, and said we were interested in having the reception there, we asked about the time, and they are able to do that, it’s in our price range, and I love it! So, I called and put a deposit down on the place and we meet with Carlton last Sunday to discuss the meals and exactly what we wanted, plus we had brunch!
We are having the reception from 4:30 to 9:30; I think that's plenty of time to get from the church to the reception.
The colors are going to be blue and white; but we have plenty of time to change our minds if the bridesmaid’s dresses don't end up matching for what every reason.
The meals are going to be Stuffed Chicken Breast with Wild Rice and Prime Rib. Plus, a whole bunch of hor’doeuvres, the salad, an appetizer, and cake with an ice cream station!
We were going to have the whole wedding party sit together, but I think since the wedding party is a little on the large side; Ryan and I will have our own table and there will be two separate tables for the wedding party and there significant others.
In case anyone is curious here is a picture of the reception hall from the inside. This is the upstairs, where the reception will be, but there is also a whole dining room area on the main level.